PVC Window Frames

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Here's how to build long-lasting, low maintenance window frames that can be almost invisible on the house during the daytime.

These were constructed using 1/2" PVC pipe, T-connectors and corner connectors, then painted with flat black paint to match the color of the window shutters. The paint also helps protect the PVC from the sun's UV rays while providing a better surface for zip-tying the lights to the frames as the flat paint provides for more friction so the zip ties don't slip.

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The frames are mounted onto the shutters with a simple aluminum bracket. The brackets can be easily formed in a vice using a hammer and a wooden dowel for the shape, then hand-clamped around the PVC. Slip the brackets over and behind the shutters to hang the frame.

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The frames are secured from wind at the bottom with a couple zip ties through small holes drilled through frame corners. Each frame has its own 4-channel wireless controller since there are four strings of lights on each frame and the whole frame has only one A/C power wire to plug in. This makes for a very quick installation: each window takes less than 2 minutes to hang and secure the frame.

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PVC makes it easy to form curved shapes using a heat gun, as we did for the arch window above the front door. Since there were no shutters on this window, we used four simple pipe clamps (painted flat black) to attach the frame to the house: two clamps support the weight at the bottom and one clamp on either side to hold it against the house.

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